Julia and Fortran

Tags: julia, fortran

Julia is an exciting new language with several interesting capabilities: high-level syntax which resembles MATLAB, high performance, multiple dispatch, etc. One of my favorite features, is its no-nonsense, no-boilerplate approach to calling C and Fortran code. But while examples for C abound, Fortran information is scarcer.

The objective of this short tutorial is to get you up to speed with calling Fortran code from Julia in the most painless way possible. Most information here has been obtained from the Julia documentation and this very enlightening discussion, both of which I highly recommend reading. If you want to skip the read and just grab the codes, head here.

Super basic example

Let’s say you have a Fortran function or subroutine to calculate the dot product. Your file may look something like this:

module basic_example

    real function dot(n, x, y)
        integer :: n
        real, dimension(n) :: x, y

        a = 0.
        do i = 1, n
           a = x(i)*y(i) 
        end do
        dot = a
    end function dot
end module basic_example

The process of accessing this through Julia is simple, but with a few caveats along the way. The compilation is simple:

gfortran basic_example.f90 -o basic_example.so -shared -fPIC

As the documentation states, we must ensure that a shared library with position-independent code (PIC) is used. Mimicking C, we ideally would be able to call it from Julia with

ccall((:dot, "./basic_example.so"), ...

This will not work, and we’ve hit our first snag. One must use the Fortran symbol name of the function, which is unlikely to be dot as Fortran generates mangled names. In order to address that we must find the symbol name. A quick way to do that in Linux is to use the nm command, which lists the names of symbols in a binary:

nm basic_example.so | grep dot

On my machine this returns __basic_example_MOD_dot, which is the name which should be used in the ccall. In the next example we will see how we can bypass name mangling.

Now we have to worry about variable types. The output is real and the inputs are: single integer, two real arrays. C has system independent floats which are nicely matched to Julia types such as Float32 or its alias Cfloat. In Fortran that is not the case, our Fortran real most likely means real*4, which is equivalent to Float32, but we cannot be 100% sure, as it is architecture- and compiler-dependent, and could be real*8, for example. The same goes for integer which most likely means integer*4, but can also mean integer*2. For now, we will just assume that real is a Float32 and integer is an Int32. Our dot function should then read

ccall((:__basic_example_MOD_dot, "./basic_example.so"),
      (Ref{Int32}, Ref{Float32}, Ref{Float32}),

As per advised by the documentation, we should pass Refs when the memory is allocated by Julia (our case), as opposed to Ptr when it is allocated by the other language. We are nearly there, and all we have to do is create some input and pass that to the ccall:

x = Float32[1,2,3,4]
y = Float32[1,1,1,1]
n = Int32[4]

The arrays are straightforward; this is how one usually allocate arrays. Fortran ccall demands passing references (or pointers) which is fine for arrays, as they are passed by reference. An integer variable, on the other hand, is not bound to its reference, but rather to the value itself. Therefore, to make our lives easier, we will just encase it within an Int32 array. With all that in mind, our ccall will finally look like:

ccall((:__basic_example_MOD_dot, "./basic_example.so"),
      (Ref{Int32}, Ref{Float32}, Ref{Float32}),
      n, x, y)

This should return 10.0. If, for some reason, you do not want to encase your value in an array, you can always use the Ref function to obtain its reference. For example, if I had an Int32 bound to n (for example through n = Int32[4][]), I would change the last line of the previous code from

      n, x, y)


      Ref(n), x, y)

Slightly better example

If your Fortran code is part of a well established library, especially one which interacts with other languages, it is possible that your code uses C bindings. Alternatively, you may have some pull on how the code is written and you can add that yourself. In these cases, you might come across a similar code pattern:

module better_example
    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
    implicit none

    subroutine dot(n, x, y, a) bind(c, name="better_dot")
        integer(c_int), intent(in) :: n
        real(c_double), dimension(n), intent(in) :: x, y
        real(c_double), intent (out) :: a
        integer(c_int) :: i
        a = 0.
        do i=1, n
            a  = a + x(i)*y(i)
        end do
    end subroutine dot
end module better_example

The first difference we notice is the use of iso_c_binding. This creates named constants which are equivalent to their C types (see here). In a multi-language setting, it sets a standard dialect to be spoken by all.

The second difference is the use of bind after the subroutine definition. This ensures that the subroutine can be accessed by C functions. Conveniently, it also means that we can name the structure without the standard mangling. I chose to call it better_dot, but omitting name= in this case would just result in dot.

Finally, this time I chose to use a subroutine as opposed to a function. In this case the output value has to be placed in the input variable a. This will affect how we write the associated ccall.

We compile the code similarly as before, but now our Julia code will look like this:

x = Cdouble[1,2,3,4]
y = Cdouble[1,1,1,1]
n = Cint[4]
a = Cdouble[NaN]
ccall((:better_dot, "./better_example.so"),
      (Ref{Cint}, Ref{Cdouble}, Ref{Cdouble}, Ref{Cdouble}),
      n, x, y, a)

We will be using now Cdoubles and Cints to make it clear that we are interoperable. Our ccall also looks a bit different: our return is now Void, and instead we are passing a as the container for our return. After running the code above, a will become [10.0]. Note the use of NaN in its first declaration: this helps us debug a faulty ccall.


Now that we know how to call Fortran code from Julia, let’s run some benchmarks. These are meant to be merely illustrative, and they are not rigorous benchmarks.

The Fortran functions can be found below.

module dot_prod
    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
    implicit none

    real(c_double) function sdot(n, x, y) bind(c, name="sdot")
        integer(c_int), intent(in) :: n
        real(c_double), dimension(n), intent(in) :: x, y
        integer(c_int) :: i
        real(c_double) :: a
        a = 0.
        do i=1, n
            a  = a + x(i)*y(i)
        end do
        sdot = a
    end function sdot

    real(c_double) function pdot(n, x, y) bind(c, name="pdot")
        integer(c_int), intent(in) :: n
        real(c_double), dimension(n), intent(in) :: x, y
        integer(c_int) :: i
        real(c_double) :: a
        a = 0.
        do i=1, n
            a  = a + x(i)*y(i)
        end do
        pdot = a
    end function pdot
end module dot_prod

These functions were compiled to a standard Fortran binary (-Ofast -fopenmp -lblas -march=native), to be our native Fortran comparison. The full benchmarking code can be found here. They were also compiled to a library to be called from Julia. Finally, I also benchmarked the native dot product, as well as a serial and a multi-threaded parallel implementation (courtesy of @stabbles and @bkamins) which can be respectively found below. The full Julia benchmark code can be found here. I also provide a script to compile, run and benchmark these two codes at once. Grab it from here.

function sdot(a::AbstractVector{T}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {T}
    v = zero(T)
    @inbounds @simd for i = 1 : length(a)
        v += a[i] * b[i]

function pdot(a::AbstractVector{T}, b::AbstractVector{T}) where {T}
    N = Threads.nthreads()
    v = zeros(T, N)
    Threads.@threads for i in 1:N
        x = zero(T)
        P = Threads.threadid()
        range = split(length(a), N, P)
        @inbounds @simd for i in range
            x += a[i] * b[i]
        v[P] = x

A table with the summary of results can be found below (see here):

  Native Fortran   Julia Fortran   Native Julia    
  Serial Parallel Serial Parallel Serial Parallel Native
Time (µs) 51.1 30.8 47.1 22.2 48.7 34.3 37.3
Speed (x) 2.3 1.4 2.1 1 2.2 1.5 1.7

If we compare native Fortran and Fortran through Julia, we see almost no difference in times. Fotran called from Julia is in fact, slightly faster, for reasons I don’t fully comprehend. In any case the ccall overhead is negligible. We also do very well with pure Julia. This requires activating some performance tips like @simd, @inbounds, and type stability. The native Julia dot, which relies on BLAS (which is not multi-threaded), is also very performant. A (slightly adapted) version can be found below:

function dot(n::Integer, DX::Union{Ptr{Float64},AbstractArray{Float64}}, incx::Integer,
                         DY::Union{Ptr{Float64},AbstractArray{Float64}}, incy::Integer)
    ccall((:ddot, libblas), Float64,
        (Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{Float64}, Ref{BlasInt}, Ptr{Float64}, Ref{BlasInt}),
        n, DX, incx, DY, incy)


I hope this post has been able to convince you that using Fortran from Julia is not only easy, it is fast both in terms of implementation and in terms of computation. It is also important to notice that even though using Fortran is attractive from a performance perspective, native Julia (through standard libraries) can be just as fast. Therefore, before you decide to start writing new Fortran code, it might be wise to investigate whether it is possible to reduce the problem to functions in the standard library.

In this post, I limited myself to a very simplistic scenario where I am passing unidimensional arrays created in Julia, along with their size to a Fortran function. In the next post I will explore some dangers, limitations and possible mitigation strategies when dealing with more complex code patterns.